Monday, September 11, 2006

Today is 9/11. And I want to ask you to do something for me. PRAY! And think about how much work a lot of the firefighters went through to try and save the many, many people who we in the tower when it got it. Think about what they were thinking when they heard the crash that went into the building. What did they do, but think, “I am going to die, there is no way out!” And even some jumped from windows hoping that some one would catch them as they fell, but knew if no one did, they would die. So, today just pray for the families that lost family member, and think how hard it must have been for them that day, as they heard that they had been hit, and not know if their family or friends had made it. It must have been really hard for them, so take the next min, and pray and remember what happened on that day.

Think about it, and spend the next minuet, thinking, and praying for God to give Bush wisdom, and for the families that have lost friends in this tradgic happening. That is my challenge for you today!!


chocogirl39 said...


Jesusfreak said...


Anonymous said...

update already!!!!!

chocogirl39 said...


Jesusfreak said...

No thanks! I do not want to update!