Thursday, June 29, 2006


Have you ever felt alone?? Well, I think that bassically everyone has at one time or another! Well, I have a time when I was alone..... RIGHT NOW!! Well, I am not quite alone YET, but basically all my friends are leaving me! I will be so lonely! JK! I hope you all have a good trip!!

Also, remember you are never alone, because you have God on your side!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Who all reads my blog? Sorry, I need to know! I want to put stuff on here, and I am not sure who all is reading this, so I do not know if I want to or not. So, let me know who all is on here. So, if you come on my blog alot, or anytime, please let me know who you are. You can do it by just putting you name down in the comment box and yeah. You can also do a nickname, if you do not want other to know who you are. But, please make sure it is one, so that I can know who you are. Cool? Cool!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Your Question

Question- What do you think of people with mental disabilities?


I think they are the same as any other person. I do not think they are weird, and I do know from past experience that once you get to know them, they are really nice people! I do not think that ANYONE should be treated differently because of their disability, but I think all should be treated the same way, because they were made by the same Creator as us. And when they were built they were with a plan and a purpose, so I do not think they should be treated any differently then any other person, but they should be treated the same. Because they are really cool once you get to know them.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

What to talk about

I do not know what to talk about, because I have talked about basically everything I can think of. So, I am going to let you ask me any questions you have for me. So, what do you want to know about me? Ask away!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Talk, Talk, Talk

So, I do not really know what to talk about, so I am going to talk about my friend.
I have a friends, I mean I have a lot of them, but I am going to talk about two.

1.) She is really cool, and she is a lot of fun to hang out with. We like to get together and talk, I mean whenever we get together that is really all we do, is just talk.

2.) She is really nice, hyper, and fun. We love to have sleepovers all the time, and just talk, be wired, and just have a blast. We also have this proclamation..... Well, we do not need to get into details about that!

But, anyway...... If you THINK or DO KNOW who these two people are, let me know!

Have a great day!


Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Even tho Chicken may not look like a chicken, that is just his name. Say, your name does is not what you look like, ALWAYS, and it is the same way with Chicken, it is just his name!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I would like to let you all know that Chicken is my best friend. I tell him everything, and we do everything together. He is a very nice man, I hope that someday you will be able to meet my dear fried Chicken, but I also have a few close runner ups to Chicken!! I will not say names, but they are cool!

This is a picture of my best friend Chicken. His name is Chicken because....... well, I think you can kinda figure that out on your own..... so yeah, enjoy!!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Do you like the pix?? Can you tell which one is me?? If you know, let me know?? (I do not know how you would know, but yeah, you could guess!!)

About the other post

Do you know who my friend is??

My Friend

You know what?? I have a friend, and he is the best friend ANYONE could ever have. And so yeah....... do you know how he is?? If you do, let me know!!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

My Blog

Hey!! I want to know all the people who look at my blog. So, I am going to ask you to do this. If you are looking at my blog, all I want you to do is leave a comment saying that you are looking at it, and if you like it or not. Or, if you want, you can just write hi, and that is good enough for me. I just want to know how all is looking at my blog, and if no one is, then I am going to delete it, and yeah. So, if you could do that, that would be great!! Thanks!

Friday, June 16, 2006

Jesus Christ

Hey!! Do you know what Jesus did for you?? He died on the cross for you, to save you from all the things YOU did wrong. He died on a cross to save YOU from YOUR sins. And if you do not think you have done anything wrong... well there is a verse in the Bible that says 'All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God'. So, there it is, everyone has sinned.

If you have ANY questions about this, do not hesitate to ask. I want to answer anything you want to know about this. I am open to ANYTHING you want to ask. And, if you do not believe what I am talking about, I want to know what you think. So, whatever you want to ask, you can, and I will answer to the best of my abilities! Sound cool??


Thursday, June 15, 2006


How is life??

Monday, June 12, 2006


So, what are you up to this summer?? I hope you have fun!! And, I mean FUN!!!!! I want to hear ALL about YOUR summer!!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

About Me!!

Hi! I am a 7th grade girl. My hobbies are hanging out with friends, and playing soccer. I also like to just plain hang out. I will hang out with my family, which I do get to do a lot. My favorite thing To do with my family is to go bowling!! I am like the worst in my family, but it is still fun. So, what is you life like??