Friday, September 29, 2006

"Amazing Love"

I'm forgiven, because you were forsaken
Im accepted you were condemned
And I'm alive and well your sprit is within me
Because you died and rose again

Amazing Love how can it be
That your my king who died for me
Amazing Love I know its trueIts my joy to honor
you (in all I do I honor you)

You are my king,
you are my king ,
Jesus you are my king
Jesus you are my king

-Amazing Love

Have you ever thought about what those words mean? I did not really think about it that much until this week. We were singing this song, and the words just hit me, they all of a sudden popped out to me, and I was like WOAH! Read the words again, the first verse...

I'm FORGIVEN, because you were FORSAKEN.

I mean, think about it... We are forgiven, and we do not have to live with sin, but there was this guy that came, and was perfect, but took all of our sins! He loved us so much that he would do that!


We get to be with other people, and other people love and care for us, but Jesus was hated by many, and most people did not like him. But, yet we are accepted by lost of people, and they love and care for us. And he still loves us so much, and care for us so so much!

And I am ALIVE and WELL, because YOU DIED and ROSE AGAIN!

Just think... He went through all that pain for YOU! He cared so much about you that he cared, and he died on the cross, like the most painful death ever! He did it all FOR YOU!! And then, he came back to life, and now lets us have eternal life. I mean, WOW!

Now... I hope that gives you something to think about! But, that is what was on my heart, so I shared! That song is now added to one of my favorites! I LOVE IT! And I hope you understand it know too! And still, if anyone has anything for me to talk about, I am still taking requests! So, let me know!

Monday, September 25, 2006

HELP ME!!!!!

Hey Guys!! How life going for you?? I tried to get SOMEONE to give me a topic, but I did not get anything to talk about, so I am still in the process of thinking of what to say. But, I want to know what you guys want to hear from me. SO, I am going to ask you a simple question, and I BEG for you to answer.

What are you some things that you struggle with? Do you have any questions that you want me to answer?

I beg of you to answer, but if you do not want other people to know who you are, just type it in on my blog as annoymous. Just, let me know what you want to hear, and what is going on in YOUR life. Cause I do not know what you want to hear, and I do not know what you want me to talk about, so give me somthing, PLEASE! I beg of you! :)


Sunday, September 24, 2006

I am going to make this post a post for questions. If any of you have anything thing you want me to talk about on my blog, or have any questions about Christ, feel free to ask. And I will answer them, to the best of my ablities. If I do not answer you question, I am sorry, but maybe I can't! But, give me a topic or something to talk about, and I will try my best to answer, or talk about your question/topic. Sound good?

Saturday, September 23, 2006

I've seen your face on stained glass, in colored lights
In pictures of you looking to the sky

You I've been portrayed a thousand different ways
But my heart can see you better than my eyes
'Cause it's love that points the portrait of your life

The face of love
The face of love
You look more like love everyday

I've read your words in the pages of your life
And I've imagined what you were like
I may not know the shape of your face
But I can feel your heart changing mine
And your love still proves that youĂ‚’re alive

The face of love
The face of love
You look more like love everyday

You are the face that changed the whole world
No one too lost for you love
No one too low for you to serve
So give us the grace to change the world
No one too lost for me to love
No one too low for me to serve

Let us see...
Let us be your face

-"The Face of Love" Sanctus Real

This song has a meaning behind it, but it is kinda hard to find, to some. But, if you look at thecarefullyarfully you see in the last section, no one to lost for me to love, and no one to low for me to serve, it is talkingjudgingudgeing. And when I heard this song, I thought about it, and noticed that there was a meaning that had to do with what I was talking about on my blog. So, I wanted to share this song with you.

But, when it no one to lost for me to love to me it means that, when you look at some one, and you see that they are SUPER lost in there faith, God still loves them, so we should love them too, and not look adifferentiallyentally! And when it says no one to low for me to serve, to me it is talking about, how you do not only have to be nice and helpful to those who you are friends with, but with everyone that there is. The poor, the rich, the unpopularpopular poular, everyone! God loves us, even tho we mess up all the time, so why don't we?

-John 7:24
Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment."

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Some people tell me that I look kind of funny
My nose is red and the braces didn't work at all
They say the clothes I wear are all out of fashion
I don't fit in and should be shopping at a different mall
I studied classical piano when I could've been playing guitar
I used to drive an El Camino and I'm not even sure it's a car

(chorus)I'm not cool but that's okay
My God loves me anyway
I'm not cool but that's alright
I'm still precious in His Site I'm not cool but I don't care
How I'm supposed to do my hair
I'm not cool but that's okay My God loves me anyway

It doesn't matter if I know all the lingo
He doesn't mind if I'm not hanging with a certain crowd
Some people still believe in building image
But I am fine and that's a worry I can do without
I used to wish I was athletic but football was never my game
I met some friends in mathematics but no one can spell my last name


He says that I am one of a kind
And I don't have to try to be somebody else
He believes in me and says I'm free to be myse
lfI can be myself


-"I'm Not Cool" lyrics. Song by:Scott Krippayne

This song has alot to do with some of the stuff I have talked about before. About judging. This osng talks about how God does not care how we look on the outside. So, even if you braces do not work, and you are not in the "cool" crowd, you can still be loved by God.

This world we live in worries too much about appereince, but maybe the person has the best personality, and they are supper nice but they do not have the best looking outfit. Would you be friends with them? I mean, you know you should, but you think.... what will other people think of me, and wonder if you should or not. But, would you like it if you did not have any friends? Just think about that. This is my challange for you, talk to the people who are not like you, be nice to those who hurt you. Invite everyone to join the club, not just two of you. Do not jusdge people by the outside, but the inside! That is my challange for you today! I know it is hard, but let me know if you are planning to do it, and I am willing to pray for you!

My verse for the day:
"Do not judge, or you too will be judged."

Saturday, September 16, 2006

You are the Lord
The famous one, famous one, Great is Your name in all the earth
The heavens declare You're glorious, glorious, Great is Your fame beyond the earth
And for all You've done and yet to do
With every breath I'm praising You
Desire of the nations and every heart
You alone are God
You alone are God
The morning star is shining through
And every eye is watching You
Revealed by nature and miracles
You are beautiful You are beautiful

-Famous One

Have you ever sang those words to that song? That is one of my favorite songs, but I know it too well, sometimes I do not even think about what the words axially mean, have you ever done that? But, like you just get to know the song to well, that you do not even think about what the words accually mean, and I thought about that, so my new goal for myself is to watch the words that I sing, and figure out a meaning, and truly sing those words out to God, and not just sing them because I do not want other people to notice me, but that I would sing them to really glorify God.

So, that is my challenge for you, think about the words on the song above, and let me know what you think of them. Are they just words, or do they have a meaning? Well, if you were honest, you would say that they have a meaning, but do you sing the words out that way, or do you just sing because you know you have to?

That is my challenge for you this week, sing to glorify God! And give him praise!

Sorry that I have not been putting a verse on here, I will try to remember every day, but today's is.....

I will give thanks to the LORD because of his righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High. -Psalm 7:17

Monday, September 11, 2006

Today is 9/11. And I want to ask you to do something for me. PRAY! And think about how much work a lot of the firefighters went through to try and save the many, many people who we in the tower when it got it. Think about what they were thinking when they heard the crash that went into the building. What did they do, but think, “I am going to die, there is no way out!” And even some jumped from windows hoping that some one would catch them as they fell, but knew if no one did, they would die. So, today just pray for the families that lost family member, and think how hard it must have been for them that day, as they heard that they had been hit, and not know if their family or friends had made it. It must have been really hard for them, so take the next min, and pray and remember what happened on that day.

Think about it, and spend the next minuet, thinking, and praying for God to give Bush wisdom, and for the families that have lost friends in this tradgic happening. That is my challenge for you today!!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

I'm Not Alright

Weakness is a wound that no one wants to speak of
Then cruel is just how far we have to fall
I am not immune
I only want to be loved
But I feel safe behind the fire wall
Can I lose my need to impress
If You want the truth, I need to confess

I'm not alright
I'm broken inside, broken inside
And all I go through,
It leads me to You, it leads me to You
Burn away the pride, bring me to my weakness
'Till everything I hide behind is gone
When I'm open wide
With nothing left to cling to
Only You are there to lead me on

Cause honestly,
I'm not that strong
I'm not alright

Think about this song, and what does it mean? To me, this is what stand out in this song.

This is a normal conversations between two friends.
"Hey, Bob!"
"Hey! How are you?" Sally asks.
" I am good, thanks, you?"
" Good too!"

But, think about this, has your friend ever said, no, I am not ok, I am not alright, I am bad. Most people do not like to talk about stuff like that. But, I mean, why do people not really care when you are not doing good. Why is it so hard to go up to someone and say, no, I am not ok, can you pray for me?

Well, it is hard to do because well, it denpendes on the peron. But, some the reasons might be that you do not want your friends to feel bad for you, or you do not want to just say that. But, I know it can be hard, but by doing that you should be able to point out your real friend. The ones who care about you, and accually do pray for you, and give you a hug, or do whatever you need. And they do it out of the love for you, and becuase they care for you.

I know it is hard to do, but sometime if you tell them, it will make it better. And, sometimes if you don't, one of your friends could think you are mad at them, or something like that. But, if you tell them, they can help you, and try there best to make things better.

Friday, September 08, 2006

What Christians Should Do, but Don't!

What should Christians do that they don't?

Well, I am not like a genius or anything, but somethings that I know I need to work on are some of the things below!

1.) We need to spend more time with God. Because I speak for most people, but most people want to grow closer to God, and the only way to do that is to spend more time with Him. And you can do this by, reading your Bible, and making a time each day that you spend with God. Some things that would maybe make it better would be:

A.) Maybe what would make it better to spend time with Him is to be with friends. Because then when you do not understand what you are reading they can help you. And, they can also be there for you when you need prayer! And be your friend during tough times, and be there when you need to talk.

B.) You can also have a time set to do it the same time everyday, and then make sure you do it, before you can do anything else.

C.) Pray, and ask God for help. He will listen no matter what!

That is all I can think of for now! But, yeah! Let me know if you have anything you want me to talk about! I am open to anything!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Do you think life is fair? I DON'T! I mean, seriously!! Life is NOT fair! TOTALLY NOT! I mean for one, think about school, how many times have you like had homework, and like the other class hasn't! Many times I bet! And that is what it is like for me! Like, I am in one science class, and my friend is in another, and she has not had any homework yet, and I have, and it is SO not fair!

But, I mean, yeah, just life is not fair! LIFE IS NOT FAIR! Like, I have a friend who is so smart, I do not even know what to do with her! And like then there is me, the not so smart one, and only get good grade, (not even sometimes) when I like study my head off! And then she does not have to study at all! I mean, that is not fair either! But, I mean everyone is different, and I guess I should face that, but sometimes it is kinda hard! Life is hard, and I mean different people go through different things, but I would say that people stress over what does not really matter.

Like, people struggle about what they are going to look like, and how cool they are, and whether they have a boyfriend or not, and all that kind of stuff. But, why does that matter? God made us ALL different, and that is how he made us, he did not make me just like you, he made me, me! Because think about it, if everyone was the same as everyone else, how would you know how was who? I mean, we all have special things that God has given us! And that is how he made us to be. Every person is different in a different way. We all like different thing, and some of the same, but we are not EXACTALLY alike! And God made us that way! And that is what is so cool about him!

So, when you think, well it is not fair that we had to do this, and they didn't... Yeah, yeah, we all have unfair lives sometime, but that is just how it all works out! It may seem like everything is not good for you, but God had a plan, and he says that everything will be worked out in the end, that does not mean that everything will be like perfect, but it will al be fine! YOU WILL SURVIVE! I PROMISE! And if you need God's help, just ask, and he will listen to you! And help you!!

"Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you."

Hebrews 13:5

That is going to be my new thing, I am going to put a verse at the bottom everything!

Monday, September 04, 2006

This is kinda a continuation from yesterdays blog post. But, I am going to kinda talk about judging again.

Have you ever seen someone one is a wheel chair or with autism, or some one that has a disability? What do you do when you see them? Go you and hug them, like you would your best friend, or do you kinda just stare at them, and then walk away? Do you know how many people just walk away? Do you know how that makes the person with a disability feel? BAD! I am sure, I mean, how many times have you seen a person like that with a bunch of friends around them, just as many as you have? I bet almost NEVER! And do you know why that is? Because people judge them by what they look like on the outside, or how they talk, or act. But, why should that matter? They are like a totally different person on the inside! They are just like... YOU! They are the same as you! They may not look or act like you, but they are made by our great father just like you! They were created for His plan, and His way! They did not choose to be that way? God gave it to them, it is special, and it makes them special, so why treat them differently?

One of my BEST friends is in a wheelchair, and you know what, when I knew that I did not think she was like me, but I got to know her, and now she is the like the best lady I have ever met. She is so nice to me, and loves me so so much, and care for me! So, as you can see, you have to look at the inside of a person, because a person may not look the same as you, but really, they can turn out to be the best friend you could ever have. And I know some other people that I am friends with that may not be the best academically, but they are the best listeners, and are the best friends to talk to, and they listen, and they give you advice. So, LOOK AT THE INSIDE! That is what really matter! God made them the way they are with a plan and a purpose! And he did the same thing for YOU! He loves you no matter what you look like on the outside, so why should we care about the outside?

1 Samuel 16:7
...The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outside of a person, but the Lord looks at the HEART!!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

How many times have you heard some one say, "Look at the inside of a person, not the outside"? I have heard it so many times, but I am never able to do it. Everyone looks out the outside of a person, and if they are a dork on the outside, they are bad on the inside, well that is what everyone would say, but that is SO not true. Because, so many people who are SO SO nice, are not the most best looking person in the world, and I will tell you too, some are, but you can not just go up to someone who has weird clothes on, and say that they are weird, and that you should not want to hang out with them.

And don't get me wrong, I am not perfect, I did that too. I judged the outside way too much, and I still do. But, I have a friend who has set a good example to me, and shown me that I should not look at the outside, but the inside. That is what really matters! That is what God cares about, and he does not care what you look like on the outside, but the inside, and that is what i want to challenge you to do too! I mean, I know it is hard, it is hard for me too! I sturggle with it all the time, and I think that is why God gave me the friends I have. They have helped me through it, and taught me lots.

My friends have helped me through my struggles of life, and taught me lots, and I hope that I can do the same to them. Because they have always been there for me to talk to, and cry on, and love. They have been a real blessing to me, I do not know what I could do with out them all!

I am going to take the opportunitie to ask if any anyone has any questions for me again! I am going to try to have a post like that every month, but feel free to ask me questions at any time whenever you want, in any comment, cause I am always looking for something to talk about. But, yeah... If you have any questions, let me know!

Friday, September 01, 2006

hey guys! Sorry it took me so long to update, but I am getting ready for SCHOOL! :(
I mean, I guess school is okay, but I do not like it all that much. I guess once I get into the retuin, but I HATE it till then! I do not like getting up so early, it is not my thing! I like to sleep in, and go to bed late!

And I have some odd teacher this year. Exspecially one! He is so weird, and he is kinda gross too! ......... nm, I am not going to go into detial about that, but I just do not like him all that much! But, like last year I had him, and he was like all weird, and his class did not entertain me that much! I got mostly bored! But, I have him, for a not so good subject, so that will be weird! But, I like most of my other teachers! So, I will keep u posted on how the days go!