Sunday, July 30, 2006

Again, I am still looking for things to talk about, so if anyone has anything to talk about, let me know! I need a topic, despertally!! I am serious! Not KIDDING!!!!
GIVE ME SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT!! It would be SO nice of you if you would!!
Thanks! I hope you enjoy reading my blog! Have a nice day!


Do I have a life, but cleaning my room this summer? I mean, well, I redid it, now I am cleaning it, and I did that BEFORE we re did it too, and now I have to clean my closet! I am seriously! That is too much work. I have to get ready for school, so today I am go through my closet and see what I need for next year! It is SUCH a pain!!
Well, you know, life is life! But, I mean CLEANING is my life!!
Well, accually, Jesus is, but that is ok! He is every thing to me, and he is the one who gave me cool friends like you, a family, and tons of other stuff! He is so good to me! YEAH! I would not make it through a day without him!!
Isn't that SO cute!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Again, I have nothing to talk about. So, I am going to ask AGAIN for questions. So.. Let me know if you have any! Or if you have something for me to talk about!! Thanks!

And sk8er235, can you PLEASE tell me who you are?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?! I do not like anoymous people on my blog!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Today at church.......

Hey!!! This moring as a sat in church, I was thinking about what the two missionaries were talking about. And it was this; do you know your friends are christians? Are they sure they are going to heaven when they die? Are you willing to show them your faith and talk to them about God? And I got to thinking. You know, I have never really asked my friends if they had any questions about God, infact, I have NEVER even brought up the subjesct while I was talking to one of them.

So, I have decided that I am going to ask right now this simple question. Do you bevleive in God? Do you have any questions about him??

If you do not feel comfertible about talking about this on my blog under comments, and you just want me to be able to read it. You can e-mail me at! So, yeah!! The choice is yours, but I want feedback!!

Thanks for reading my blog! You all rock!!

Thursday, July 20, 2006


I know, I am so great at this, btu again I have nothing to talk about. But, I want to talk about something, so I am going to ask this question and then like do a post, and all that. Have those of you who view my blog seen End of the Spear???

Monday, July 17, 2006

My Problems in Life

Well, in case some of you who are reading my blog do not know that I do not have a mom, that is one thing I struggle with. Just think....... you have no other women in your house (unless you have a sister) and you do not have someone to ALWAYS be there for you when you need to talk. When I tell alot of people, they are like "Well, it is kinda a privlage, because you do not have a mom getting on your case all the time about stuff." But, I do not think it is a privlage, because well, you have no one in your family to do girl stiff with, and you are ALWAYS with boys in your family!! But, I would have to say the only reason I can live through it all is that... well, it is accually 3 things; 1. Because I have Jesus on my side to help me. My all time favorite verse is Jerimiah 29:11. "For I know the plans I have for you" declars the Lord. "Plans to prospure you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." 2. Because I have an AWESOME friend that I call "mom" and she takes me out to do girly things, and like takes me away just to talk sometimes, and she is ALWAYS there for me when I need her. She even sys I cn call her at any time, day or night, and she will be ready to talk and listen when I need her. And 3. because I have SUCH GREAT friends that are there when I need to talk, and support me in all I do. And they ALWAYS have time to listen to all of my comlients and all of my stories, and just have time to talk to me and be there for me.

So, that is one thing I struggle with, but I also have GREAT friends and family that help me through it!!

Thanks for all you do guys!! I love you all!!

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Hello, everyone!! I do not really know what to talk about, so I am going to ask someone to give me a topic or a question, and I will answer it. So, if you could do that for me, that would be great!!

Or...... if not, I will try to find something to talk about!

P. S. Do NOT ask about the pix. I just had to put one on there, and yeah!
Okay, sk8er235, I understnad that you do not want to give me info on the internet. But, can you answer these two questions for me?

1. DO I know you, or aree you just someone wondering on my blog?

2. Do you have a blog of your own?

Friday, July 14, 2006

Who is sk8er235??

What do you do when you are in a group and feel like you are on the out side looking in?

Well, I am not sure that I understand your question, but.... I will still try to answer your question! But, I think the best way that you can make yourself feel more like you are in the group is kinda if you.... I don't know, but like start a conversation to one of the people or everyone. And see how they react, and the best thing to be able to fit in, is to just be yourslef. Because if they do not accept you for who you really are, it kinda means that they are not really your friends!! SO, my best idea for your problem would be to just try to make up a conversation, or try to become freinds with one of them, or just try to join in and have fun! I know.... it is a lot easier said then done, but, just try your best to be yourself and have FUN!!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


I am so sorry I have not written yet today, but I have not had internet at home. But, I love the Libary today, because it has free internet, and so I can update it. So....... anyone have an questions?? I am open to anything!!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Okay. I have made a decision that I am going to not just talk about boring old how is life and what is new with me and all that, but I am going to talk about more serious problems that people face. So.... I am going to start out by asking of anyone has any questions that they would like me to answer. I am open to anything!! Ask away!!

Monday, July 10, 2006


I am so sorry I have not written in a long time, but I have been been able to think of anything to talk about. And so yeah! I am sorry that it has been such a long time since we talked, but I hope you have been haveing a good summer!! Talk to ya soon!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Another Question

Question- What do you think of your friendships/friends?
Answer- I think they are all really cool, and I am really glad God gave them to me. I know that all of my friends are on different journeys, and that even I am, but I want to be here and be able to talk to them, and be there for them. I think that ALL of my friends, are really cool, and fun to hang out with! I love being able to hang out with them and like have sleepovers, and go out and do stuff, and most importantly, that I can come to them and talk to them, and I know they will listen, and be there for me. So..... To all of you friends out there, I want you to know, I AM HERE FOR YOU WHENEVER YOU NEED TO TALK TO ME, you can call me if it is summer, or you can e-mail me, but I want you all to know I am here for you, just like you are here for me whenever I need you. I love you all! Thanks for just, well................... Being YOU!!
Luv ya all!