Saturday, December 16, 2006


"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." -Ephesians 4:29

We all have a tongue, right? We use it to talk to our friends, and to everyone everyday. We say stuff all the time. How many words do you use a day? Way more then you could probably ever count! We talk to much that sometimes we don't think about what we are talking about. We say stuff to quickly to actually think about what we are saying.

Our tongue can be a huge weapon. When you think of a weapon what do you think of? And, when I say your tongue is a weapon, do you believe me? It is not a weapon like a gun, but it is something that can hurt someone. But, yo can choose for your tongue to be a weapon, or you can make it a good thing. You can say things to other people that will tear them down, or you can say things to people that will build them up. You can choose for your words to make someone feel good, or to tear someone day.

If you say something mean about someone, you are tearing them down. Has anyone ever said something mean about you either to your face, or behind your back? How does that make you feel? It hurts! So, why do you say something about someone else? Something to think about before you say something that could hurt... if it was me that we were talking about, how would I feel if I knew that we are talking about?

Christmas is in... 9 days.... so, for a gift this Christmas, be an encourager to others. To your friends, build them up by saying something nice about them. Like how much you appreciate them, or how awesome of a friend they are or whatever they are to you, or what you like about them. That is my challenge to you today! Merry Christmas, and don't forget the true meaning of Christmas!


chocogirl39 said...

ahhh! nine days until Christmas! cool post, hmmm, it sounds familiar.... i don't know why....

Jesusfreak said...

yeah... it should!

The Unknown said...

wow onec agne asum

Jesusfreak said...
