Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Love Your Enemies

Matthew 5:44
"Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you"
You have heard this verse before, right? You have heard someone say to you that you should loves those who hurt you, right? I think that we all have heard this verse before, but we never really put it into play, we just hear it, and don't do anything about it.
Do you have one of those people at school who you would call a bully? Have you ever thought about why they are that way? They are probably that way, because they are around people like that. Let's say, their parent. Maybe they are mean to them, and they are jerks to them, and they hurt them for whatever the reason may be. But, have you ever tried to become friends with one of them? Like, always being nice to them, and treating them in the way that you want to be treated too.
There is someone at my school that I see everyone picking on, and everyone is mean to Bob. (that it's name from now on) Everyone picks on Bob for no good reason, just cause they feel that they can. But, if you were just to give Bob a chance, do you know how that would feel to them? Think about yourself for a minuet, do you have a lot of friends that you hang out with everyday? And friends that are there for you when you need them?
Well, the people who are probably mean to you, are probably the people who don't have any friends, and who no ones gives them a chance to be friends. But, do you know how good it would feel if you were nice to them, and you hung out with them, and tried to be friends with them? And hey, you don't know if they will except it, but they might, and they might not, but at least you tried. And they will probably want to be friends with you, because they don't have any friends.
And, if they don't want to be friends with you, and they are still mean to you, you can pray for them. You have to pray for the people who hurt you, because who is more powerful then God? He can do anything that He wants to do, and he can change the hearts of the people that he wants to change them of, and He can do anything that he wants to do, so we just need to pray for them, and let God do the rest.
So, next time you see someone who looks alone, why not go and sit by them, even if they are the so called "bully", give them a shot, you never know what could happen.


The Unknown said...

grate post and it is so for real and ever thing and yeah cool

Jesusfreak said...

thanks... I don't know, and I just can see the happening, and, I think it is kinda sad to see... ya know?

The Unknown said...

yeah it is and it realy stinks on ice

Jesusfreak said...

some people just don't give the ones who need it a chance, and that is really sad to see.

The Unknown said...

thay dontknew what that chance could do for that person

Jesusfreak said...

yeah, they don't always know what just a kind word to that person can do, it can do a million to that person. Just being a friend to them, and not being mean to them could mean the world to them.

The Unknown said...

Yea j i mean some times jsut i Hi or How ya doin can change the persons world

Jesusfreak said...

the smallest things can mean the world to someone, even when we don't know it. Just a hey can make that persons day and life. Just giving them a chance...