Monday, December 18, 2006


Have you ever heard someones testimony that just really touched you in some way? I know that has happened to me allot, and tonight, I was just looking around on Google music videos, and I was looking at ones by Casting Crowns, and I saw one that was about the song..."Voice of Truth" and I decided that I wanted to click on it, and hear it. It was his testimony, and why he wanted to write the song that he wrote, and he said something that really hit me.
"God doesn't need you, he wants you!" The guy went to church, and he heard someone play that he thought was way better then him. And so after the service he sat there, and after everyone left, he went up to this piano that was at the front of the room. He sat down, and he started to play the only 4 cords that he knew, and he just sat there, and got mad at God. He asked God why he had done everything to him that he had done. And as he was mad at God... he questioned him... asking God why he sent him to the school that he was at, the school were he was going to learn to play music, but he couldn't read music. But then he felt God saying to him... "I don't NEED you, I WANT you!"
When I heard that... it went through my head over and over. I didn't get what he meant at first. But, it all came to me... after a little bit of thought. God doesn't have to make us who we are, he could make us all the same, or he could of not made anyone at all, but he chose to make us who we are. He wants us to be the person that we are. He made every fact about us, and he made us just the way he wanted us to be. We are perfect in God's eyes, no matter what we think. Everything in our lives that we may think is bad about us, isn't bad to God. God made us all with a plan and a purpose. And, I know that some of you, who know me have heard me say that allot. But, I think we all need that reminder allot. We don't always understand why God made us the way we are. I have a very different story from allot of people, and all of you who know me, may know that, and you may also not be able to tell how much different my life is. And... when I thought about what he said... that God wants me, and he wants me the way I am. He didn't have to make me that way I was, but he did. And I am glad that he did. Since my life it is not at all perfect... I am able to share that with others, and share some verses that have major meaning to me. And people who have a testimony that is like mine... don't think of it as a bad thing, think of it as... God made you the way that he made you for a reason. He has a plan for you life, even though to you it may not seem that way. He loves you, and he wants you to be his... but you have to let him. You have to let God have your life, and do what HE wants to do with it, not what we want to do with it.
He wanted us, he didn't need us! He wants you... so will you let him take your life, and do what he wants to do with it?
And also, if anyone wants to hear my testimony, if that interests you, let me know! I would love to share it with you!


The Unknown said...

GRate messege i see what your sayin it is grate once a gen

Jesusfreak said...

I don't know... it was just cool to me, and if it is cool to you too... i am glad...