Monday, December 11, 2006


Christmas is just around the corner, only 14 more days till Christmas! I am so excited!
I was thinking about that earlier today, as I was saying that line to a friend, as I was talking about how excited I was for Christmas, cause I knew that it was soon, but I think that too often we get caught up too much in what we get at Christmas, and we forget what a big gift was given to us when God came down to earth, the very first Christmas.
Christmas has turned it to something that we should just do because we get presents, and some of us, we know what Christmas was all about, and the real reason and all that, but we don't really think about how much God really did for us. Too many people know think about Christmas as just a time that you get gifts, and you get to see family, and get new things, and money all that, but we so quickly forget what Jesus did for us.
Jesus was sitting in heaven, a nice place, just like our houses, but like a million times better, and He came down to our world. He was born just like we were born, but He wasn't born in a nice hospital, and he didn't get a nice crib right when he was born, but he was laid in the feeding box of the cows and pigs of the barn that he was born in. He had parents just like ours, and he grew up just like we do. He was a kid once, but he was a really good kid. He was a perfect man, and he was a person that everyone liked. But, the best part of all was that he was so humble, that he died for you and for me. He was a perfect person/man, but he came and took everything that you ever did wrong, so that we could meet him one day, and go and live in heaven with him one day.
Just think of all the pain he look for you that day on that cross. He came to this world for you, he came to do that wonderful thing for you. He was humble, and he was amazing. He was born in a stable, and he lived in a small house growing up. He wasn't rich, and he didn't have everything that we have today. We too often take for granted what we have, we don't think much about Christmas, but presents, and we don't see behind the gifts, to the best present anyone could ever give you, JESUS! Christmas is not about presents, but it is about the greatest gift that anyone could ever have... JESUS! The one who came, was born in a small stable, laid in a feeding box, and then he died, and took all the sins of us, he was an amazing person, the best gift that anyone could ever give!
Merry Christmas, but don't forget the true meaning of this all! JESUS!


Anonymous said...

You rock! Merry early Christmas! What do you want!

The Unknown said...

Merry Christmas thats a grate messeg and you cant say Christmas with out Christ

Jesusfreak said...

Thanks, and Merry CHRISTmas to you too! And, thanks!

Jesusfreak said...

Merry Christmas to you all! Luv ya all lots and lots.

Anonymous said...

SOO true everyone gets caught up in buying gifts and going to christmas parties..we need to take a few minuets and really think about what christmas is about: JESUS!!

Jesusfreak said...

I know! We all get all hooked up in everything of the world, and we don't spend time and we don't think about Jesus coming down the earth, and how humble and poor he was, and all that. We spend too much time on presents, and all that junk, when none of that really matters.

The Unknown said...

I absilutley agree with you there we do it way to much