Sunday, January 21, 2007

I have made it to 100!!!

I have officially made 100 posts on this blog... and that is kinda scary... but this is probably the weirdest post you will ever read, and maybe to some of you it won't make sense at all... but to others maybe it will change your prospective on life... who knows?

Have you ever felt like you just wanted to run from your life? Like you are having a really bad day, or week, or time in your life, and you just want to run from it, but you can't, cause it always comes back to you? Those times when your life is so bad, and things only get worse? Every little word gets on your nerves, and little things people say to you, hurt you in a huge way, and then since you are having a bad day, you end up hurting those who care about you, and you just feel alone, like no one cares about you...

I know I have had those days... those hard times in life that come out to haunt you, and when you feel so alone in this world, and that no one cares about you.... and you don't see why you should talk to anyone about your problems, cause no one cares anyway...

But one person does care and he cares a lot about you, after all you are his creation... God does, and a lot of times there is more people then just God, but God is one who will ALWAYS be there for you, no matter what. He won't get mad at you for being such a jerk to him today, just because you had a bad day, and your anger came out in the wrong ways, he won't ignore you, like some of your friends might do... he will just listen to you talk about everything that is going on in your life, that is so bad, or he will even listen to you talk about the good things in life. And he will always be there for you, and love you and care for you, no matter how bad you have been. God created you with a plan and a purpose, perfect in his eyes, and he loves and cares about you, A LOT!! He will always be there for you when you need someone to run to, and no one else will listen. He will wipe your tears as you cry and he will just sit and listen.

But, I also encourage you to find a friend that you can trust and count on, who you can come to because you are having a bad day, and they will understand and listen as you talk, and who will put their hand on your shoulder, and pray over you when you need it, and who will catch your tears as they run down your face, and will give you a hug and some love when you need it, and no one else will give you that love. When you feel alone, remember that you have a friend by your side, at least one... God! And look around at the friends that you have in your life, that walk you through the hard days, and take the moment to thank them for that.

Grape/Knight: If you ever need me, I want to be here for you. Just like you have always been there for me. If you need a hug, a shoulder to cry on, some encouragement during a tough day, and just some love and fun times with a friend, don't be afraid to come to me. All I want is to be here for you, and be someone you trust and someone that you can always count on. I work on that, and hope that some day I can be that friend for you... just like you are for me! You mean so much to me, I don't know how I could thank you enough! Thanks.... for everything!


The Unknown said...


You have done that already you arelred are that person and i knew tthat i can come for you for that i hope you knew any of that alll of tha you can come to me for. Lov ya

Jesusfreak said...


Thanks! It means alot to me to know that I have an awesome friend like you always at my side always building me up... and don't you ever forget if you need me, I am ALWAYS here for you... no matter what! Luv ya TONS!

The Unknown said...

You so i will alwyas be here and nothin vcna change that nothin. Luv ya TONS to

Jesusfreak said...

same for you...luv ya tons and tons and TONS AND TONS AND TONS!!!

Anonymous said...

I get what you're saying. That was a very good and impacting post. (Congrats for making it to 100) It always feels like, if you're having a bad day, nobody cares and I push God aside and just explode, but that was a very lovely post that touched me! Keep it up!

Jesusfreak said...

Like for me, when I am having a bad day, I tend to get mad at people around me, or even at God, but he stil cares and loves me... and thanks! I will try... altough I am running out of things to talk about... but thanks! I am glad that it touched you in a cool way! Luv ya benny!! ~kk

The Unknown said...

thanks I agree with benny you osdo have wiked good postes.

Jesusfreak said...

thanks you two!

The Unknown said...

uh your welcome no biggey it's not like im liyin or nothin

Jesusfreak said...

:) they are just things that God has taught me, and I have decided to share with you...