Friday, January 05, 2007

An Awesome Reminder

Someone once said this: "Everyone needs one person in their lives that can keep them accountable and someone that they can take their mask off and show who they really are to."

Have you ever saw someone and you were just like they have a perfect life? I have seen people like that all the time. They get perfect grades, they have perfect parents, and they have everything that anyone could ever want. When I see someone with a prefect life, sometimes I am just like, God, why can't I be like them? Why did you make me with such a horrible life, and why does everyone else have such a perfect one? Because to me it sure seems like some people have no problems in life, but little by little I have seen that that isn't true.

No one has a perfect life, no matter how perfect it seems. We have have struggles, but some of us are just pretty good at covering them up, with our favorite toys... our masks. For some of us we use them a lot and for some of you, maybe you have never really experienced a mask. But, make sure if you start that mask that you don't get too used to yourself with that mask, or a little too used to it. Cause I know what that is like.

I was me, but really I wasn't. I was being someone else, someone that I thought I had to be, and that only got harder and harder. I would change who I was depending on who I was with. I would be one person with one person and someone else with someone else, cause I didn't want that person to look down on me. I did that for a long time. Probably for about like 2 years, I was that multi-faced person. And I lost who I really was. For some time, the person I had made myself to be started taking over the person who I really was, cause I couldn't stand being taken down by someone if I showed them who I really was, and once you lose who you are... good luck finding it. I totally lost who I really was, and I was soon someone, and I had no idea who I really was, and it took a lot of time and effort to find out again who I really was, but little by little, I am learning who I really am, it isn't easy, but slowly, I am learning that there is no reason to try and be someone else, cause God made me who I am and I just have to accept that God made me the way I am for a plan a purpose, and that He has an awesome plan for me, even when I don't see it. And who I really am, is a better person then the person that I want to be, cause God created me for who I was supposed to be, and he is planning a journey for me and just wants to know if I want to come.

So, I encourage you to find a friend that you trust, and then actually show them the real you. I have a friend who has helped me to be who God created me to be, and it just helps to know that I have a trustworthy friend that I can always count on to come to, and who will always make sure I don't do anything dumb. Little by little I have been able to show more of who I really am, and I know that isn't easy to take off the mask you have worn all your life, I know what that's like, but when it comes down to it... look around.... everyone has a struggle of some sort, maybe they are really good at hiding it, but we all have had something go wrong in our lives, no matter how big or small it was/is, we all have. We are all the same when it comes down to it, we are all weak sinners, who need a Savior.

So, if you don't already have that person, I encourage you to find someone you trust and who you are willing to show the real you, and if you don't even know who you are, I know where your at, and just take some time to reflect on who you are when no one else is looking... cause that is probably the real you. And once you find that person, be open with them, and make sure that you can really be yourself, the real you that God created you to be. He created you perfect in his eyes, no matter what anyone else says.

You know who you are: Thanks for showing me who I really was, and coming into my life, and showing me the person that I really should be, and that maybe no one else's oppion really matters, cause God loves me just the way I am. Thanks for everything you do! And for being such an inspiration in my life. You are really a women of God, and I see him working in you everyday. Thanks for teaching me awesome new lessons this past year. Thanks a million, I don't know how I could ever repay you. Love you lots and lots!! ~Jesusfreak


The Unknown said...

Sweat post that is so true and so asum for you to say. I kenw what it is like to ast like you have a grate life becousde you think ever one els has one. Grate messege that i i think ever one needs to here.

Jesusfreak said...

Thanks! Something that was on my heart to say. Like it is so easy to forget that who we make ourselves isn't who God made us to be, and the person that God made us to be is a perfect person that he has a plan and a purpose for.

The Unknown said...

yea hthat is why it is so cool

Jesusfreak said...

yeah... just something that i wanted to talk about...

The Unknown said...

well it is a grate tihng to talk aobut

Jesusfreak said...

thanks... i think

chocogirl39 said...

that is a cool postio... very true.

Jesusfreak said...

why thank you!

chocogirl39 said...

why, your welcome!