Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Another Star Story

Last night, I was sitting outside with some friends, and we were star gazing, and doing like a little question thing, and you know, just having some fun and talking, one of the things I personally do best, and yeah.

I was sitting there, with my two closest friends, one on each side and just thinking about God, and how amazing and powerful he is. And I don't know what went through my head, but I was thinking about God and my life. How much control he does have of my life, and how much he should. Cause, he is all powerful and it's so hard for me to try and control my own life, and I don't know, I was just thinking about my life, and how God puts people around me to support me and lift me up when I can't go on anymore, and how God I try to take my life into my own hands, and how God, the one who created everything with just a few words, and how me, a little grain of sand in the world won't be able to do much without him on my side. And there are things I feel that I need to do, and what God's plan for my life is, and I know I can't do them on my own, but I'm that kind of person who hates asking people for help, even God, I like to do things on my own, even though I know I can't.

There is a song by Toby Mac and it goes...
Cause I'm letting go of everything I am
And I'm holding on to everything You are
I'm letting go of everything I once was
I'm all in
I'm fallin' into Your arms again
I'm letting go
I'm letting go

And sometimes I think that it has to be that way with me, cause I need to let go of what I hold on to, and let go of my plans, my hopes, my dreams, and my control, and hold on to what God has in store for me, and let Him have the control he deserves.

I know this doesn't make sense, it all made sense in my head. :)


The Unknown said...

It amkes ens na d it;s relay good like always

Anonymous said...

dude,thats really powerful,love it