Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The stars...

As I sat one night, up at camp, looking out into the stars above me, the amazing and bright stars, in the middle of all the fields, I thought about the Creator, and how he created each and every one of those stars. He took each star, and they were all hand crafted by Him. Then he took all of them, and placed them just where he wanted them to be and glow. And when you think about that, and you compare it to us, and think about how much MORE important to him we are, it's amazing.

He took each one of us too, and he hand crafted us all, just the way we are, perfectly made, without a single mistake. And as the stars were made perfect, they were also placed perfectly just where they belong, so they can shine bright, and be used just for what God wants them to do. And it's the same with us. We were each placed in our own place, our own situation for a reason, a reason that we don't even know about. We were put there so that God could do His work through us. We are special to him, and each and everyone of us was created just the way we are for a reason. We each are placed JUST where we are supposed to be, with the exact life style for a reason...

That's my star gazing story...


The Unknown said...

thats wike asum

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Aww you're sweet, thanks. :)
That's really true. We are made in His image, made to BE...His. In every way the pieces will fall together, but not usually how we expect. Looking back, we'll see His hand in everything and be amazed. He's our Mystery.

Anonymous said...

dude, this sotery, i jsut love it COEMTPELETY!! [:
its so powerful,and it just blesses me.and yeah i love it