Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Hey God!

Prayer~ is said before you eat, maybe before class starts, maybe everyone once in awhile in class when you are going through a tough time... maybe you have never heard prayer before. Maybe you have never ever heard of the word. I don't know... but this is mine:Prayer: our communication with God. The way we can talk to him, like we would talk to a friend, an awesome friend who will listen, and never get sick of us.
When I was thinking about prayer... I remember some stuff that I have learned about it... think of it this way...

GOD, the CREATOR of the Universe, want to talk to YOU! Out of the millions and billions of people on this earth, he wants to talk to YOU! He made a way so that you can talk to him. He died so that one day you could meet him in heaven. And he gave you a thing called prayer, so that you can talk to him. Pretty cool huh?

But, why pray?

So, you say you have a friendship with God, and you say that you have a friendship with your Best friend. But, how can you have a friendship with them if you don't talk to them? If you say that you have an awesome friend named Bob, but you never talk to him, and you know nothing about him, what's going on in his life, what he likes, and you've never talked to him, how do you really know him? It is the same way with God, if you say you know him, but you never talk to him, how does that work? How can you say that you know God, but you have never talked to him? After all, God did give this awesome thing to us, so why don't we use it?

Do you want to talk to an awesome friend after a hard day? Someone who will listen, and someone who is trustworthy, and will listen to you for hours and hours on end, without getting bored, or falling asleep on you? That is God. He will listen to you complain about your day, or talk about your awesome day. He will carry you through the good times, and the bad times, and he will always be your friend no matter what.

You can talk to him no matter what time of day or night it is, and no matter what is going on. He will always listen. He loves you and cares about you, don't you ever forget that. And... Sometimes, why not thank him for the awesome friends, or family that you have, and for even giving you a way to talk to him.

So... do you think prayer is important? Check it out in my next post...


The Unknown said...

grate meesege prayer is so inportent and we realy d need to tlak to God

Jesusfreak said...

it really is! i totally agree... :)

The Unknown said...

yeah yeah

chocogirl39 said...

talking to God is like my favorite thing to do~ it's so awesome, and God reveals some really great things if you take the time to listen... so not just talking to him, but letting himm talk to you!

Jesusfreak said...

i totally agree...I love talking to him too, cause he always listend and doesnt get sick of me... and then he just talks back and teachers me awesome new things!