Monday, November 13, 2006

Marvelous Light

Sin has lost it's power,
death has lost it's sting.
From the grave you've risen

Into marvelous light I'm running,
Out of darkness, out of shame.
By the cross you are the truth,
You are the life, you are the way

Where are you running? What are you doing in life? What are some of your main goals in life?
Are you running from the bad things in your life? Trying to push them away?

I was talking to a friend today, and she brought up this song, and I was like.... I LOVE THAT SONG! Cause I do, but after she said that, it got me thinking... What is this song talking about? And, honestly, I didn't really know. So, I thought about the song, and I think that God revealed something to me from that song. As I was trying to find something to talk about on my blog, this is what I feel that the Lord wanted me to talk about, or else he wouldn't of let me type this.... But anyway. I got to thinking about this song.... And something popped out to me.

This question.... What are you living for? And, not to think much about it, I thought you Lord, of course, there is nothing else to live for. But, I got to thinking about that, and it is not easy to live for God, it just isn't! It is hard to be the one to stand out in the crowd, it is hard enough to fit it, and then right when you start to fit in, say you friend asked you to come to a movie with them, and you say.... Well, I don't know, but you are accaully thinking that you don't want to go see it, because it is a bad movie, and you don't approve. It is hard to say no, that you don't want to go, but that is what you need to do. Another example... Someone is making fun of you friend, or even your enemy. What do you do? Ignore it! That is the easy way out, but what you should do, is ask them to stop, or something like that, but it takes courage to do that, wouldn't you agree?

Another thing is, what are you living for? Is you main goal in life to impress others? Or to serve God, and lead others to Christ? A lot of people on this earth are very self centered, and that would make us want to live our lives for ourselves, and that is what most people do. But, if you take the time to spend time with God, you will end up wanted to live your life for Him and minister about Him whenever you get that chase. But, we don't think about what God did for us, we just think about what we did for ourselves, how we did this or that, but remember that whatever we do here won't come with us to Heaven, any of our popularity, or our friends, or anything, when you get to Heaven, nothing will matter but God, so why don't we live our lives for Him now?

What is your main goal? Who are you living for? If you are a Christian, what is your next step?


Anonymous said...

i'm livin fro Jesus! yay yay! good post! i like that song too. yeah, ttyl!

Jesusfreak said...

I like it too... and are you sure?

Anonymous said...

am ii sure of what? that it's a good post? yes. That i like that song? yes. that I'mm livin for jesus? yes.

The Unknown said...

i tihn kwhart Jesus freak is saying is n't mearley hay are you oging to chyrch are you doing oyuth groupno. I tihnk it is if no noe was looking inyou got no praise for what you did would you sitll live for Crist. If no one was waching would you do Christen things that waht i tihnk it is realy liveing for Christ. BUt hat isw aht i tihnk you are saying am i right?

Jesusfreak said...

dj get's what I am saying! :) So, yes that was what I was askin. Are you living your life to Christ, just cause you think you should, or because that is what you are supposed todo? Or are you living for Him because you want to? Would you still live for Him if no one saw you, and no one even cared that you did, and no on made you do that?

Anonymous said...

I am living for Jesus. I don't care what people think, and I would live for Him even if no one else did!

Jesusfreak said...

Are you sure????? Would you die for Jesus?