Sunday, August 20, 2006

Spiritual High

Have you ever felt that you were on a spiritual high? In other words.... Meaning that you feel you are so close to God, and that you want to go tell everyone that you know about God's word? Well, I think that happens to everyone, and so.... Here are some places you would NORMALLY get on a spiritually high;

1.) At Church
2.) At Camp
3.) When you are on retreats with Christian friends

But, why does that have to go away? Why does it only last while you are at camp? Well, I am not sure if you notice this, but as soon as you leave camp, you are away from God, and you are not spending time with Him all that time. Like, when you are at camp, you are reading your Bible everyday, you are worshiping Him, you are listening to people talk about Him, you are doing everything you can to go closer to Him. And then, you make all these commitments that you are going to do, like: I am going to read my Bible everyday when I get home, or I am going to pray everyday, and spend time with God, but if you were truthful, does that REALLY happen? No, profile not! But, here are some ways that you can accually stay close to God.

1.) By reading your Bible
2.) By Praying
3.) Doing devo's
4.) By listening to what God says
5.) By talking to others about Him

Other thing that I would say really helps me, is having friends that you can really be yourself around, and that hold you accountable, and that say you can come to them whenever you want, and they will be there for you. And when you are having a bad day, you do not have pretend like everything is ok, and even if you do, they can tell it is not. But, but just that, but having friends that will build you up, and do Bible Studies with you, and spend time with you. But, what also helps is just being patient, and listening for God to speak to you in different ways!

So, I want your feedback! So, let me know!


chocogirl39 said...

yes. i totally have had a spiritual high. i get them not just when I'm at churhc and camp, but a lot of times when I've just taken tiem to read my Bible, and pray, an dlisten to what God is saying. That's when I get Spiritually high.

chocogirl39 said...

I always get them at camp too though. Trout is a place where I feel really close to God. I always feel spiritually high there.

Anonymous said...

Yup! I am glad someone underatnds me!