Hey! I am back from my long time being gone! But, yeah! So.... did you miss me? I hope so! JK! Anyway... I missed you all! And I still do! :) Anyway... sadly the summer is almost over! I am SO sad! I mean... I am glad to be able to see friends at school again, but sad that I will not be able to sleep in anymore! Wahh......... don't ask, I am really hyper, because I am tierd! And yeah... but.. I still am trying to find a topic to talk about. So, if it seems I am talking about nonsense... sorry! But, I will write another post soon, but until then.... bye!
(SO sweet, I know!)
i am not going bsck to school no i am not and will not so there 9 sitst down and crosse arms.)
I will miss you at school! PEASE COME, FOR ME!!
hum hum (ponders the thought with grate thiking power) I don't like school hum I do like my friends hum ah my hed herts
PLEASE COME!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!! I beg of you! Think of it in a good way, you get to be with friends!
Yes but there is more bad then good any way i have to go do you think my parents would let me droup out i was just kidung
No, sorry I do not think they would let you do that! You wish tho! I do too! Why does school have to be work, why can't it just be fun?!?!?!?!
i dont knew school; is dumb
dj!!!! you have to stay at school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will miss you soooooooooo much! please stayy!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am wiht Kittykate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE, I BEG OF YOU!!!
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