Thursday, January 18, 2007


Ever felt alone? Like no one cared about you? Like no one was going to be there for you? Like your living you life, fighting battles...all alone? Walking through life with no one by your side? Like no one got what you were going through? And if you tried to explain, they would just think it was dumb?

I bet if we were all honest, we would answer at least once, yes to one of those questions, and maybe even yes to all of them. I know for a fact that I would answer yes to at least one of those, and the thing is, is that we all feel alone at one time or another. Alone in our struggles, alone in our lives. You know how many times that I have felt alone? Way more times then I could ever count. No one is this world seems to go through what I go through everyday... key word though... SEEMS.

Think about yourself for a second... think about the things you go through everyday, and the hard times you have had in your life... now think of one person that has the same problem... when you think about it, can you find someone? Maybe some of you say yes, maybe some of you say no. But someone out of the millions of people in this world is going through, just about the same thing you are, that might even be the person who sits next to you in school, or at work, or at Church, or a person that passes you in the store...or it could even be your best friend. We are all pretty good at hiding everything, and keeping it all to ourselves, and that is why our world looks so perfect, but really our world is pretty messed up. Everyone struggles with something, maybe not as Major as someone Else's, but it is still just as important.

God created us all different... and he created us all perfect just the way we are. With a plan and a purpose... everyone! The includes the person who just bugs you to death, and the one person in school who always picks on you.... which means, you still have to love them, just as God loves you.

But, anyway... back to the point...alone... bored.... alone with nothing to do, no one to talk to... all alone, living your hard life... all you ever feel like there is a constant battle going on over your head? As sad as it may be... it's true. Between God and the evil one, who wants to control your life, but you have to chose who you really want to take control. Are you going to let God take control and never be alone, on your own?

I like the song Me and Jesus by Steller Kart, and this is the chorus...
Someone loves you even when you don't think so, don't you know you've got me and Jesus, by your side, through the fight you will never be alone on your own, cause you've got me and Jesus.

I love that song, cause it just talks about, how we will always have God on our side, and that you will always have someone by your side. Someone named God. He will always love and, and will always be there. He will always listen to you talk, and listen to you cry, and to you laugh. He will be glad when you are happy, and sad when you are down. He will always be on your side... all you have to do is let him. All you have to do is accept that gift that is being held out to you...

Who is always on your side? Me and Jesus! Don't forget that song, and you are never alone. Someone else has the same struggle as you, you just have to find them. And let people trust you with their problems in life, cause for some people it takes a lot of courage to tell someone what you are going through. For other people it is easy, but no matter what, just listen, they same way they will listen to you when you talk. And remember...
Someone loves you even when you don't think so... ME AND JESUS!! Jesus loves you so much he died on the cross for you, and I would take a bullet for you, and I mean it when I say that. Someone loves you...Jesus does, and I do too!

Will you give someone else the love that God gave you? Or will you just hold it all in?


The Unknown said...

grate messeg and so true

Jesusfreak said...


The Unknown said...

shere no priblum all of your post are rely good your agood wrighter and you are good at like just miveing messeges poeple can realt to

Jesusfreak said...

thanks! I like doing it... and even tho it may take time... it is still fun, and I like doing it, so I'm glad you like it!

The Unknown said...

I"m glad it is fun it should be especily when oyu are tlaking about God

Jesusfreak said...

I just want to touch other people's lives in the same way that God has touched mine... by sharing the love and joy...

The Unknown said...

Well you are helping alot

The Unknown said...

Well you are helping alot

Jesusfreak said...

im glad to be able to help...

Anonymous said...

Nice post, buddu ol' pal!

Anonymous said...


Jesusfreak said...

thanks... and yes I know it doesn't really make sense... but whatever!