Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry CHRISTmas!!

Merry Christmas everyone! When you think of Christmas, what do you think of? The presents? Being with family? Big meals? Santa? Fun times with people you love? That is what comes to mind allot of people think of Christmas, we allot of times for get what really happened and why we celebrate Christmas in the first place.

The first Christmas along time ago... lets put ourselves into the eyes of a young girl about the age of 12-14. She liked to have fun with her friends and she did what she was supposed to. She came home one day from work and her dad showed her who she would marry and right then and there they were married. Then an angle appeared to her and told her that she was going to have a baby. She was only 12-14 just remember that and she was now going to have a baby and this baby was coming from the Lord. And her husband didn't know that the baby was from the Lord. But later, an angle came to Joseph in a dream and told him that this child was going to free our people and that they baby that Mary was going to have was from God. Then Ceasure sent out a degree that all the people of the land had to go to their home town, (Ceaser was the king) so they could register with their home town. So, since Joseph was from Bethlehem Mary and Joseph went on the long walk to Bethlehem, over 100 miles. Now that is a long way to go when you have to go on FOOT! No, they didn't have cars back then so if you wanted to go somewhere you either had to walk or ride on a donkey or camel or something like that. So, Joseph took the donkey and they started to walk. They walked and walked over 100 miles, and finally they came to Bethlehem.

When they got to Bethlehem Mary was due to have her baby. They tried to find an inn that they could stay in, but everything was full. They begged for a room, because of the baby that was coming, but everything was full, everything but a stable. A stable, a place for animals to live, all gross and full of animals, but that was all there was. So they took the stable, and in that stable that night, Mary had her baby. Mary put her baby, THE KING OF KINGS into a feeding trough for an animal, in other words what an animal ate out of. He was born in a small little stable, such a great man born in the lowest of places. The man who would later die on the cross for us, and save us from all our sin was born of a girl, a girl 12-14, a young girl. She wasn't rich, she was a poor girl working for the money that she needed. She was the one who would bring our king into the world. She was just a girl just like anyone else she wasn't a queen or someone rich like that, but she was just a girl just like anyone else. And Joseph was just a guy he wasn't rich either, they were both just normal people, but Mary brought our SAVIOUR into the world.

Jesus came down from Heaven, a nice place, and he came down to live on this earth. Jesus was just like everyone else too. He had to eat, he had to take baths, he slept, he got mad, just like everyone he was a normal person, but he was still out saviour. He was humble and he was kind, he was smart, and he was the person who took our pain. He took all out sin and brought it with to the cross. He took everything that we have ever done and he took it with him to the cross, and right then and there he showed us how much he cared. I like what someone once said to me... NOTHING that you could EVER do would make GOD love YOU less!

So this Christmas, I want to challenge you to think about the real meaning. And have fun with your family and friends, but give everyone the best gift at Christmas, nothing that costs allot but the gift of friendship and love. Merry Christmas everyone!!


The Unknown said...

GRate messeg agen and grate chaleng

Jesusfreak said...

thanks again!:)

chocogirl39 said...

hm, that sounds like a movie I've seen, I wouldn't know where, but I'll think about it...

Jesusfreak said...

haha... and that actually wasnt from the movie... lol