Thursday, November 02, 2006

The WORST Days

Do you ever have those days where you feel like God is out to get you? And you are like, God, why are you doing this to me? Why are you making me go through this?

Sometimes, I do that, I think everyone does. Especially when you are having a bad day, and everything seems to be going down the drains. First, you get up, and your family gets mad at you for this or that, and then you get to school, hoping to forget about it all, and then your friends are mean to you, and don't listen, and yell at you, and it just seems like you life is in the dumps! Everyone is leaving you, except one person... So you go and you want to talk to them, and they turn you away, and say they have their own things to deal with. And push you away, or are TOO honest with you! Like they say stuff that you know is true, but you don't want to hear it at the time, and they don't even care, cause they don't understand! So, you walk away, and feel like you are all alone, and no one wants to talk to you, and your days seems like it will never end.

And you start to question God, and ask Him WHY this is happening to you. But, you know what an even better question to ask God would be? Is, to ask him, HOW will you work through me today? And to me, that is hard, cause it is like, why would God want to show me something from such a losey of a day, but you know what? He is planning to work through it, God opens doors for you, and he closes doors for you, and maybe by some stuff that he is letting happen is because he wants to tell you... you know what, that friend isn't right for you, or you should be able to speak to this person, and God will show you your real friend through that.

Some days, you are like, how do I know who my REAL friends are? And, this is all I have to say, the real friends are the one who are who they say they are, and listen when you want to talk, and the people who build you up, not put you down, but you have to understand, that everyone is not perfect, and there is times when you will mess up, and sometimes the HARDEST thing to do is forgive, but you have to realize that when you mess up, don't you want the person to forgive you? So, why not forgive them!

And, so when they days are rough GO TO GOD, and ask Him, how he wants to show you stuff through what is happening, and what he wants you to do, and how he wants you to Handle it all, and everything like that! Because, he will ALWAYS help you through it all! He loves you, and he made you with a plan, and a purpose! HE LOVES YOU MORE THEN ANYONE ON THIS EARTH COULD EVER LOVE YOU! And he know what will happen to you, no matter good, or bad, and he will work through it with you, because he loves you that much!


The Unknown said...

i knew what you eman it is so hard i've done it to i jsut dont gater stuff. But it is so hard to trust Him some times

Jesusfreak said...

I agree it is hard sometime, but you have to, cause you can't see the future but he can!

The Unknown said...

i knew but mean i odnt knew it is hard

Jesusfreak said...

I agree! SO SO HARD!

The Unknown said...

yeah it is

Jesusfreak said...
