Take a moment, and think of you friends. Do you have alot? Do you have any? I think of mine, and I have alot, and then I look to my right, and I see people with no friends at all. And, guess who has turned them away, said mean things to them, looked down on them, made fun of them...? Me! And then I think.... Why am I doing this? How would I feel if no one wanted to be friends with me?
To me, friends are a big part in my life. Since I do not have a mom, it can be hard to talk to my Dad about stuff that goes on in my life, and when I am down, my friends are ALWAYS there to pick me up, and listen when I need to talk. I totally feel that God has blessed me with such great friends. But, have you ever seen someone who was walking alone? Or who was sitting at lunch by themselves? What do you do? Do you look at them and laugh? Or, do you go and sit there with them, and talk to them, like they are you friends?
But, do you have a friend that you can come to at 3:00 in the morning, and who will not be crabby, and will listen to you for as long as you want? Do you have someone that is with you, and that will never leave you, and that no matter how many times you mess up will still be you friend? And will forgive you? Do you have a friend that can do all that, and more? I do, and his name is JESUS! He is the one who will always be there for you, and will not leave you, and will listen when you need to talk, and the person, who has ALREADY forgieved you of everything that you will EVER do wrong! Isn't that AMAZING?
Have you ever thought of that Jesus is your friend before? I mean, I have, but I did not really think about it literally, till about a few days ago, when a friend was talking to me, and we were talking about friends, and they were like, I don't have any friends at school, and I was like, that's too bad! And they were like, accually I am not sad, it is totally fine with me, cause I have a friend that will always be with me no matter what, and his name is Jesus. And I was like, wow! I like your point there! And I though that was so cool, because you know what, we do have a friend that will never leave us, and always be our friend! And that is so cool! AND HIS NAME IS JESUS!
Proverbs 18:24
But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
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Ok why do oyu have to be so smart JK. YOu alwas have grate pionts. Ind Jesus is a grate friend it is asume. He is the best friend you will ever have. YOu are so right onrc agen
Well, I am not THAT smart! I just leared it from great teachers that God has placed in my life. Like, you, choco, and everyone else that has meant so much to me in my life. But, even thou you guys have done so much... GOD has done more! He DIED for ME and for YOU! And for all the sins that we have and ever WILL DO!!! HE IS SO AMAZING, and HE IS HOLY!!
Yes i do agree with you i do say you are very smart though that is one thing he has plessed you with and He has blessed all of us for dieing for us. So yeah
He has blessed you in other ways too, you just have to let him do the timing, cause he has it all planned out, way better than we could ever plan it out!
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