Monday, October 23, 2006


Who is God to you? Who do you talk to him as? A friend? A God? Do you tell him what goes on in your life? But, you are thinking...why should I tell God what goes on in my life, he already knows! And yes, that is true, God does know what is going on in your life, but he wants to hear it from you. He knows how things are going to turn out, but he wants you to talk to Him, and let him know how things are going.

And, how can God know to help you if you do not ask Him to help you through it? And how does he know you want help? YOU HAVE TO ASK! God cannot read you mind, well he can but he wants you to ask! He wants to help you, and be your friend, but you need to talk to Him.

So, do you tell God what you would tell a friend? OR even more? You should be able to tell God anything, and call to Him whenever you need Him, and ask Him what you want to ask Him, and he will answer you. But, do remember that his answer will not always be yes, I will, or of course, I will do this or that, because that is SO NOT TRUE! God knows what is going to happen in your life, and he will not just tell you everything that will happen to you right away, you have to wait, and see God's great plan for you.

So, talk to God like you would talk to a friend, because he cares about you, and will listen to you for however long you need to talk.

Sorry, I don't have time to get one, cause I have to go to bed, cause it is late, I will add one tomorrow!


The Unknown said...

grate poast and i agree God is not just GOd but he is also a freind

Jesusfreak said...

yeah, he is so amazing!